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해외 각국 과학 관련 정부기관

국 가 기 관 명
America   백악관   http://www.whitehouse.gov  
상무부(DOC) 과학기술정책실   http://www.ta.doc.gov  
 NSF 과학기술통계   http://www.nsf.gov  
국무부 환경과학국 (DOS/OES) http://www.state.gov  
국립표준기술원 (NIST)   http://www.nist.gov  
에너지부   http://www.doe.gov  
국가기술이전센터   http://iridium.nttc.edu  
Australia   Department of Industry, Science and Tourism http://dist.gov.au  
Austria   Federal Ministry of Economoc Affair http://www.bmwa.gv.at  
Federal Ministry for Science and Transport  http://www.bmwf.gv.at  
Belgium   Belgium Federal Government http://www.belgium.fgov.be  
China   과학기술부(MOST)   http://www.most.gov.cn  
Canada   Industry Canada  http://www.ic.gc.ca  
National Research Council http://www.nrc.ca  
Denmark   Ministry of Business and Industry http://www.em.dk  
Ministry of Research and Information Technology http://www.fsk.dk  
Finland   Ministry of Education, Science and Technology http://www.minedu.fi  
Germany   Federal Ministry of Economics http://www.bmwi.de/  
Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology http://www.bmbf.de  
Greece   General Secretariat for Research and Culture http://www.gsrt.gr  
Italy   Ministry of Universities, Research and Science http://www.murst.it  
Luxembourg   Ministry of Economics http://www.etat.lu/EC/  
Netherlands   Ministry of Education, Culture and Science http://www.minocw.nl  
Norway   Ministry of Trade and Industry http://odin.dep.no/nhd  
Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affair http://odin.dep.no/kuf  
Philippines   과학기술부 (DOST)   http://www.dost.gov.ph/  
Taiwan   국가과학위원회 (NSC)   http://www.nsc.gov.tw/   
Thai   과학기술환경부 (MOSTE)    http://www.moste.go.th/  
Singapore   국가과학기술청 (NSTB)    http://www.nstb.gov.sg/  

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