교민 사이트
- 뉴질랜드 타임즈- 교민 신문/교민업소록
- 한인방송
- 뉴질랜드 대학- 어학연수/골프학과/간호학과/영어교사학과
- 국제 유학원- 학교/어학원 안내 및 학비 할인 무료 비자 신청
- 뉴질랜드 종합 정보- 여행/이민/유학 무료안내 한인 골프회
- 뉴질랜드 부동산 정보(크라스처치)
- 아마통- 워킹홀리데이등 뉴질랜드 정보제공
- 로토루아 백백커- 유황온천 관광지 로토루아 소개 및 저렴한 숙박지/일자리 소개
- 로토루아 안내- 로토루아 소개/학교안내/관광지 안내
- 신세계 인터네셔날 - 양록산업/양봉산업/웰링턴 지역 유학안내/관광지 안내/특산물 쇼핑몰
뉴질랜드 어학원
- Active English Language Academy
- Alpha Educational Institute
- Aspiring Language Institute
- Auckland Language Centre
- Auckland English Academy
- Capital Languafe Academy
- Christchurch College of English
- Dominion English Schools
- New Zealand College of Studies
Cities in New Zealand
Government Department and Organization in New Zealand
- Creative New Zealand - Art Council of New Zealand
- Department for Courts
- Elections
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)
- Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
- Maori Employment and Training Commission
- Mental Heath Commission
- Ministry of Commerce
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Fisheries
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs Options
- New Zealand Earthquake Commission
- New Zealand Department of Conservation
- New Zealand Department of Labour
- New Zealand Immigration Service
- New Zealand Ministry of Housing
- New Zealand Qualification Authority
- Office of the Retirement Commissioner
- Pacific Isalands
- Register of Radio Frequencies
- SPCPP - News
- State Services Commission
- Statsweb Database
- Telecom New Zealand
- The Waitangi Tribunal Reports
- Citizenship Office
- Wellington Chamber Commerce - Business & Trade in New Zealand
- Work and Income New Zealand